It's nearly September, which means that the 2013 Relay season is almost here! We've had a busy summer (with more coming next month!), and it's been a lot of fun. The biggest event we've done yet was Homecoming, back at the beginning of August. Though it was pretty hot, we all had a great time. We got to talk to some really amazing people, we got into a marshmallow fight with the superintendent of schools (he started it!), and we raised about $1,500 for the American Cancer Society! Plus we could see War perform from where our table was, so that was an added bonus.
Here are a couple of pictures from the weekend. The first is our table set-up from the first day. We rearranged things a bit every day, so if you were there, this might look different. The second picture is of the beautiful handmade quilt we raffled off that weekend.
Overall, it was a great event! Check back here next month for details on another event we're working on. Team Dearborn will be in a craft show at the end of September.