Sunday, October 28, 2012

Organ Trail Road Rally

Team Dearborn is having another road rally! This time, we're going spooky- join us on Saturday, November 3 for the Organ Trail Road Rally. The rally starts and ends at the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center, on Michigan Avenue (the same place where Relay happens). We'll be inside at the tables by the main desk. Check in starts at 1 PM, the rally starts at 2 PM, and teams have to be back by 5 PM. 

Entry fee is $10 per person ($5 each for kids 12 and under)- bring your friends to help you navigate the streets of the greater Dearborn area. Solve clues to find your destination point, take a picture of your team at each destination, try your hand at bonus clues and activities, and win prizes! 

Here's what to bring: a smart phone, a camera, pens, a bandana, a map, a spatula, a hat (bonus points if it's a cowboy hat!), and your driver's license and proof of insurance if you're driving for your team. 

Must be 18 or above and a licensed driver to drive for your team. All participants must sign a waiver agreeing to follow all legal rules of the road, including wearing seatbelts, obeying speed limits and traffic signs, etc.

All proceeds from the event will be donated to the American Cancer Society.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Kmart craft sale

Forgive me for the late notice on this- we've been very busy getting ready and planning events! We've got another road rally coming up next weekend (Saturday, November 3), so look for a post on that this weekend. THIS Saturday, though, Team Dearborn will be at the Kmart in Livonia!

Saturday, October 27 from 9 AM until 5 PM, we'll be at the Kmart at 7 Mile and Farmington (33400 7 Mile, if you're into specifics) selling crafts. We've got our usual Team Dearborn items, as well as a few holiday items. Come check it out! 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fire Station No. 2 open house

Team Dearborn will be at the open house at Dearborn Fire Station No. 2 this weekend! We were there last year, and had a great time. They had pumpkins, cider and donuts, and lots of firetrucks and equipment to check out! Station No. 2 is at 19800 Outer Drive in Dearborn, right near Dearborn High School. The event is on Saturday, October 13, and it goes from 12 noon until 2 PM. We'll have some stuff to give away and lots of information on ACS and Relay for Life, as well as a few of our craft items for sale. We love doing events that get us out in the community like this, so come check it out!