Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring craft fundraiser at Kmart

Team Dearborn is getting ready for one of our yearly events- the spring craft fundraiser at the Livonia Kmart. Team Dearborn will be at Kmart on Saturday, March 31 and Sunday, April 1 from 9:30 until 5:30 both days. It's in Livonia, at 7 Mile and Farmington. Below are pictures of a few of the items we'll be selling that weekend- more photo albums, some cute Easter crafts and our Team Dearborn original, Easter baskets made of candy!

We'll have a few other surprises at the table as well, so come check it out and say hello! 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Home and Garden Expo

Relay for Life prep is fully underway for Team Dearborn! We've got a lot of fundraisers coming up, starting this weekend. We'll have a table at the 4th Annual Dearborn Area Board of Realtors Home and Garden Expo. It's a free community event, with lots of local exhibitors and services to check out. Stop by our table for some information on Relay and the American Cancer Society. We'll also have a few craft items for sale. 

The event is on Saturday, March 10th, from 10 AM until 4 PM. It takes place at the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center, and it IS free. Should be a great time, so stop by and check it out! 

Keep an eye on this site for info on upcoming Team Dearborn fundraisers!